Re: HQ2, cultural key-words, runes.....

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 17:42:14 -0700


>However the Lords of Oak and Storm as presented in Blood over Gold
>is not a single cult, even in the described common religion section.
>It should be viewed as a collection of disparate folklore and
>superstition rather than a coherent cult. If I have a four left clover
>for luck, I am not calling upon an ordered collection of cult lore for
>luck and if I were to pray to the God of Antlers and Hooves for
>protection while carrying a four leaf clover, I would be calling upon
>two minor entities grouped together in one common religion
>for convenience.

I think Peter nails it here.

>That said HQ does treat people as capable of learning from more
>than one body of common magic knowledge within a culture
>(such as the Medicine Lodges for the Wenelians as well as the
>Lords of Oak and Storm) which I think borders on too much
>detail (in rule terms not gloranthan terms).

I'm not sure I follow here -- are you talking about the HQ2 draft?


David Dunham
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