Newbie Questions

From: tywyll <cam_lists_at_...>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 15:28:37 -0000


I'm new to the list and new to HQ (well, not exactly, I bought HW when it first came out, but was originally turned off by it's indie mechanics... now, years later, I've converted my longtime campaign over to BRP/RQ system, but some of the more powerful characters seem to better fit the 'Heroes' of HQ, so I've dug it back up).

Anyway... I'm rereading the rules and mostly doing ok with them, but there are some places I'm having trouble 'grokking' how best to use them.

  1. When are followers Augments and when do you simply add their value to your AP? it seems like if it were your choice, you'd always want to add their full value.
  2. How do followers die/suffer injury? I know in HW there was a rule about them suffering one level more injury than a character does, but that rule seems to be missing from HQ. Was that intentional or accidental?
  3. When followers add their values to yours, that both increases your AP and your TN, correct? So if you had a 20, and added a follower at 17, you'd end up 17M, rather than still rolling against a 20 but having 37 AP.
  4. When do followers count for multiple target penalties? If you attack with 2 followers, does your opponent automatically suffer from multi-attackers (-6 I think) or does that only occur when their attacks are seperate from yours?
  5. Speaking of multiple attackers-The negative a target suffers when being attacked by multiple attackers, -3, -6 etc, is that purely to their TN, or do they actually lose AP by virtue of being engaged multiple times? I.e. a hero is attacked by 3 Broo, suffering a -6 (I believe) when fighting back. Does that -6 just come off his mighty 17 TN (from his 17M skill) or does his AP drop to 31? What happens if the penalty drops his TN to 0 or less? (say someone with 3M or even 5M2)?

Anyway, I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me come to grips with some of these questions.


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