Re: Is HQ2 Difficult?

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 08:29:17 -0700


>I think the difficulty with HQ2 (and this *is* armchair speculation from me
>sorry) is that it might not be easy for someone to *run*, rather than it not
>being easy for someone to *play*. Comments like "it's a toolkit" etc seem to
>suggest this to me. Now, this is precisely what I am hoping for but it may
>not be what most people expect and it may not be new-user-friendly.

HeroQuest is exceptionally easy to run. (Just as one example, ALL of a GM's preparation time focuses on story, not statistics.)

It might be harder to learn how to run, but IMO it contains a fair amount of explanation as to how to run.

It is built upon different assumptions from many games, and if you try to run (or play) exactly the way you'd play a game of RuneQuest, you're going to have harder going. But then HQ tries to explain this. On the other hand, the minimaxer in our group seems to enjoy the game, and certainly figures out how to use the system to advantage.


David Dunham
Glorantha/HQ/RQ page:

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