Bidding Extended Contests in HQ2

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 23:54:00 -0400

  Has anyone tinkered with this at all? There are many elements of the new Extended Contests I like, but I do sort of miss the bidding. I liked the tactical element of deciding how much to risk. (The new system does promote dull, "I use this ability" again and again repetition and little variance on ability and no tactical input.) Thing is, just about every other aspect of the new rules I prefer. I like the different options for result fall out, etc.

So has anyone tried to piece together a hybrid? Something with the 5 points, but still bid? Or maybe just a 30AP base, bidding, and some adaptation of the new results chart?

Actually, now that I think about it, there are lots of things with extended contests, tactics, escalation, and resolution that kind of bug me. I should try and put together a list.


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