Re: Rules for Berserking?

From: David Cake <dave_at_...>
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2010 20:18:33 +0800

At 9:18 AM -0800 12/11/10, David Dunham wrote:
>On 12 Nov 2010, at 09:07, hairyorlanthi wrote:
>> I'm partial to the idea of making Berserks always use the Phyrric
>>Contest Results Table (or whatever it is called.)
>Risky Gambit might be an option too.

        Pyrrhic Combat seems a little too harsh to me - Berserks take bigger risks, but sometimes that risk pays off and they take very little damage, and a more or less average result of dying or badly injured seems far too harsh.

	Risky Gambit sounds right to me.
	If you want to make Berserking more dangerous than normal, so 
that a Berserk can be badly injured even in victory, make them always use the Climactic Scene consequences table for Berserking, even when a fight would otherwise not be one. And of course they have to overcome their Eternal Battle affinity with another ability to do anything but slaughter in any given contest.

        There is also the question of how to deal with the post-Berserk fatigue. Making them effectively Injured as far as any physical action goes, but with no long term consequences (healed by a really good nap) sounds right.

        Of course, this is a bit of a Simulationist misuse of the rules, but sometimes you have to effectively simulate Glorantha. It needn't be, though - a Berserk who goes into combat in full Iron armour or whatever might not really qualify as a Risky Gambit.


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