Re: Changing rune affinities?

From: Jeff <richaje_at_...>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 08:31:09 -0000

> What about a Heortling teen girl born with affinities for Earth, Life, and Man, but after seeing her parents killed, her older sisters enslaved and her whole village burned to the ground, decides to dedicate herself to Babeester Gor?

Remember, her affinities are "awakened" during her initiation rites and by saying she is a "teen girl" it seems likely she is not initiated. So let me rephrase your question:

"What about a Heortling girl who seemed normal throughout her childhood, but after seeing her parents killed, her older sisters enslaved and her whole village burned to the ground, has the runes of Death, Earth, and Disorder awakened during her initiation and decides to dedicate herself to Babeester Gor?"

As explained in the Sartar Book, a Heortling child can do no rune magic and has no connection to the gods (being forbidden to take part in any of the sacred ceremonies). Once a child is initiated as an adult, they are chosen by the gods and develop a relationship with them. If a woman is initiated and is chosen by Ernalda (with Life, Earth, and Harmony), it is extremely unlikely that she would ever turn to Death worship (Ernalda has her own ways to get vengeance).

> Hints suggest BG's rites are quite horrible. I've always imagined (and play it as if) anyone willing to go through said rites who survives can invert her Life powers in order to become a maiden of death.

Most people who join BG are rejected by more mainstream and useful goddesses during their initiation rites (ie they have the Death Rune awakened during their initiation). Humakt, BG, Storm Bull, Eurmal - these cults exist to provide a place for the disfunctional, the sociopathic, and the psychotic.

> In fact, I think that by far, this is the "norm" for Axe Maidens. They are not born that way, they are *reborn* that way through blood, suffering and need.

They are discovered to be that way as a result of their initiation rites. Perhaps they got lost as their Five Soul-Senses were awakened and never fell to the Great Sleep. Perhaps they failed to give birth to their True Self or perhaps was rejected by the Great Goddess as not a Life-Giver.

> I imagine, in a general sense, the same is true for people deciding to dedicate to Humakt, Storm Bull, or even Chalana Arroy.

YGWV. In the vast majority of cases, a Heortlings's magical associations are established during their adult initiation rites. For most Heortlings (except would-be heroes), their adulthood initiation is the most perilous heroquest they will undertake in their life.


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