Re: Newbie Rule Questions

From: Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus_at_...>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 18:16:36 +0300

On 3 April 2011 18:13, nick_warcholak <nickwarcholak_at_...> wrote:

> 2. Page 57 talks about Improving Your Character. The text reads, "To raise an
> ability by 2 points at once costs 3 times the cost of raising it by 1 point,
> etc." This reads kind of odd to me, but I think it presented this way for
> abilities the GM decides costs more than 1 HP to raise per point. So a regular

I doubt it, since the book makes no reference to anything having a base cost of more than 1 point. The whole ...point... of the system to me is that Magic That Can Do Anything 18 and Medieval French 18 have the same mechanical weight and utility -- and hence cost.

The contest structure combined with Narrow ability bonuses and with Broad ability penalties to do most of what "this is so cool it has to be extra expensive" usually does.

(Magic That Can Do Anything is not an I-Win button, because while any contest can be framed in terms of it, and it will always suffer a -6 Broad ability penalty and the opponent will always have a +6 bonus... so MTCDA 18 is likely to loose to I've Seen Other People Fence 12.)


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