The Might of Fetches.

From: Henrix <henrix_at_...>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 16:21:06 +0200

HW, p.208, states that: "The Fetch's might is always equal to the shaman's own best ability."
Should this be taken as the best of his Shamanic Abilities (the heading the preceding quote originates from) or as the best of all the shaman's abilities?

The sample shaman character, Kerreveth Steadburner, offers no clue, as his Fetch has a might of 18w, while his best ability is Controlled by Jammak 8w2, a flaw (Abilities are, in the Glossary, "Any type of skill, magic, or other feature that can be used by a character in a story."). His second best abilities are Tradition Knowledge and the talent Claws of Sharp Pain, both at 12w. He has no other ability, besides the fetch, at 18w.

Should his fetch really have 8w2 might, or 12w, and in the latter case, because of his Tradition Knowledge or because of his talent?

Now, I can see arguments for it either to be his best Shamanic or the best of all his abilities, but I am not certain that I would like any old flaw, personality trait, or integrated spirit (talent) to be the deciding factor. Personality traits since not all of them reflect the character's strengths. A personality trait like, say, Brave, or Disciplined, is another matter, of course. Much the same could be said for relationships. If talents are counted I see a problem with the Fetch's might going up each time you integrate a new, more powerful, spirit. You could then use the Fetch's new, improved, might to help you integrate another, yet more powerful, spirit, etc, etc,......
As for Wealth (described in the glossary as " An Ability..."), well, I don't really think more expensive incense is all that effective....

I think that the easiest, and most clear cut, solution would be to just give the fetch a might equal to the best of the characters Shamanic Abilities. But I am far from certain that this is the solution that adds the most flavour to the game.


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