Re: AP example

From: t.s.baguley_at_...
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 10:18:16 +0100

> From: "Timothy Byrd" <timbyrd_at_...>
>Subject: Re: APs
>[Both Thom and Wesley respond that my AP example was poorly chosen.]
>To quote Roderick's response to the various questions about the Fight
>Undead feat:
> > A. First response: It is an example of switching Abilities
> > in the middle of a fight, not an example of a Zombie's
> > special powers. It is meant to show that even though he
> > switches abilities his AP do not change. All else is Fluff.
>Similarly, my example was just meant to show how the AP mechanic is

OK, but I don't think the similarity with D&D HPs is that striking. As I mentioned elsewere D&D HPs are an abstraction of not just situational factors, but skill and capacity to take wounds. The AP mechanic in hero wars is a fairly pure abstraction of relative advantage. The main disadvantage (if you view it that way) is that it places a burden on players and narrators to describe bids and outcomes in a dramatic and relatively concrete fashion. Personally, I like this aspect (as from the sound of it do several of the gaming groups who's reported here).


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