Re: edges; contests

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 15:18:53 -0700


>The place where it seems (i.e. I may have got this wrong) to get
>scary is that in a contest you would probably use one edge while
>acting (i.e. those that enhance your weapon/attacking ability) and a
>different edge when resisting (i.e. those that enhance your
>shield/armour/defending ability)

But this is already the way things work, if you use the weapon/armor ranks.

Nick asked

>Should you routinely use a separate "attacking ability" and
>"defending ability" throughout extended contests, swapping over
>between bidding rounds?


Let's say you're in a contest against your daughter, who is trying to stay up past her bedtime and uses her Gurgle Cutely. Your most appropriate defense might be Stiff Upper Lip (a cultural ability for being British). When it's your turn to act, you would use Voice of Parental Command, and she'd use her Act Distracted ability to defend. You both alternate.

(Robin, what's wrong with this approach? Surely Nick shouldn't have to use Stiff Upper Lip to convince his daughter to get back in bed. And if it turns out his Voice is not working, why can't he switch to Threaten with Spanking?)

Guy asked

>Hmm. How would parrying be handled, then? That was a crucial part of RQ

You can certainly use Close Combat to defend against an attack. Narrators who use weapon ranks ought to allow you your weapon's rank when computing a net edge.

David Dunham <mailto:dunham_at_...>
Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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