Simon: Human Norm

From: Mikael Raaterova <ginijji_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 12:21:14 +0200

Simon Hibbs:
> > I'd say that the 'human norm' range is up to 20. From 1w and up
>> you're in the superhuman/magical range.
>> This is merely rules-speak; in actual glorantha i don't think there
>> is any (real) distinction between mundane and magical. Some
>> are common or banal, some are rare or exceptional and those are
>> as_ magical/otherwordly. Not that they actually need be magical in
>> game rules terms.
>I assume you're aware of the fact this is in contradiction to the

What contradicts what?

>Even putting that asside, I don't think that is a reasonable
>possition to take. It seems ridiculous to me to say that Olympic
>medalist gymnasts do not have even one mastery in their athletic

Ridiculous it is, and fortunately for me i'm not saying that. Olympic medalists are obviously far above the human norm; definitely superhuman.

>Are you saying that if Rick Meints ran at a springboard
>and tried to do a looping half-twist flip that if he rolled under his
>(for the sake of argument) low Agility ability, that if he somehow
>succeeded or roled a '1', that he would be exactly as successful as
>one of the best Russian tennage vaulting champions?

Big Success is the best there is. So, rules-wise, yes (assuming it's an ability test). OTOH, in a contest situation between Rick and a Russian teenage vaulting champion, Rick would in all likelihood be soundly trounced.

>To me, clearly these people have multiple masteries in their
>respective abilities.


>I with my Chess playing ability of about 5
>have no chance whatsoever of beating Karpov in a streight game.
>He has at least 2 materies on me, probably three. Surely he has more
>than a 19, or even a 20 in Play Chess?

When i say 'human norm' i mean the ability ratings of a normal human. Karpov is definitely not the human norm when it comes to chessplaying, is he?

Mikael Raaterova        [.sig omitted on legal advice]

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