Re: Aum, Aum Augment

From: Frank Rafaelsen <rafael_at_...>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 22:42:45 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 3 Jul 2000 Kmnellist_at_... wrote:

> In a message dated 7/3/00 12:15:17PM, you write:
> <<
> Therefor I'm going to let manifest mystics ignore the rule that an ability
> only can be augmented by only one mundane ability. The martial artists are
> supposed to be striving towards physical, mental and spiritual perfection
> and should be able to compete with magic-using people on that basis.>>
> Perhaps only the three abilities in their school, or until they get a
> negative score? They'd spend half an hour augmenting otherwise.

Good point. I'd let them improve until they fail an augmentation. Distracted by the material world.   

> << This could be a way to make mystics more playable without having to change
> too many rules or give them additional powers.>>
> I do like the idea. Plenty of manifest mystics eyeing each other up as they
> augment themselves to inner perfection.

I guess this is what martial artists in the movies are doing when they do all that posing with the strange arm moves. Crane Stance could perhaps be using your Agile ability to improve your Close Combat?

> << Anyone see any obvious pitfalls with this?>>
> People have been complaining that augments are pretty lousy, because you get
> negative results so often. So that could be a pitfall. My solution, which I
> have been mulling over was similar to your fix of the mystic rules. I was
> going to let people augment with more than one mundane ability, but only keep
> the best result. This makes it pretty easy to risk a high augment and fail,
> then go for a safer augment and succeed, although it does take actions. Your
> suggestion would need to be modified to augments being added together,
> rather than simply the best one chosen. >>

I'm with those who feel that a marginal/minor failure should be treated as zero bonus, not as a penalty.

> <<Ha en god dag!>>
> Does this translate as "have a good day"?

Thats right :)

Ha en god dag!
Frank Rafaelsen

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