RE: Re: Berserk OTT!!

From: Weihe, David <Weihe_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 10:13:43 -0400

> From: Jarec Basham
> Last night the party were fighting a band of Trollkin and winning
> very easily. The player, a Humakti, rolled for berserk and failed the
> roll. So he then used a Hero Point to force a success and go Berserk.

Unless that band numbered in the 100s, I would wonder why he used Berserk on them. Humakti do not normally go berserk except as a Final Run tactic, when desperately outnumbered. It is supposed to be used with as much forethought as Sever Spirit (RQ)/Kill With A Glance. Here, he seems to use it because it is so much fun.

> He's already killed the leader of the Hidden Gale during a Berserk
> frenzy and they were on the same side at the time.

I sounds like he is about ready to discover that he is no longer a Humakti, and has become Uraini, instead. Have some Uroxi start checking him out. When the player loses the character to an *ambush* of berserks, that will teach him about the dangers of excessive use.

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