Re: Berserk OTT!! [By the way, what does "OTT" mean ?!?]

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 07:39:27 -0000

> If 1 cow costs 15 according to HW: RiG p. 38, do 10 cows cost 10W7
& 20 cows
> cost 20W14 ?!?

I believe Trotsky mentioned way back that each doubling of a creature's weight was a +10 on the HW scale (after about Big 20). Assuming that works overall in the system (and if it does it'll be about the only consistant part of it), I'd say (rounding off) 2 cows =5W, 4=15W, 10=10W2, 20=20W2, 50=15W3. Still sounds too high though.


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