Re: Still converting that low-level RQ campaign

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 03:56:03 +0300 (EET DST)

Jane talks:

> Then on to Magic.

> In the earlier campaign, they'd been initiated into their bloodline, getting
> the bloodline spirit spell from the guardian spirit of their family, so I
> each bloodline an Affinity to that plant (at 10), and a single Feat to
> describe the spirit magic spell. So frex the Magnussons have an Oak
> affinity, and a Feat of "Strength of Oak", which is known to only work if
> they drink Oak Beer. I'm probably going to put an upper limit on
> advancing this, since these are really pretty small spirits.

If you want it to be just the spirit spell then giving it as a single, well defined feat and giving it a fixed value or an upper limit, works fine.

> Another example of why I really, really, like HW, BTW. I'd been trying to
> simulate this Oak Affinity business under RQ, and just couldn't do it.

Oh, but I'd still keep the upper limit, if it's supposed to be relatively low powered magic. Parhaps 20  

> Trickster, of course. We ended up wth Change, Deceit, and Sensuality
> (having read the Yinkin description)

Sensuality sounds a bit too, hmm, civilized for an Eurmalian affinity.  

> Same for Ranged of course: what does my ex-hunter Vingan, with
> Archery 8 and Javelin 12 get for Ranged Combat?

8 when using bow and arrows, 12 with javelins? (The meta skills are too powerful)


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