Re: Vingans and trollkin

From: Thom Baguley <t.s.baguley_at_...>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 10:03:15 +0100

> From: "Jane Williams" <jane_at_...>
>But possibly this discussion, fun though it is, doesn't belong on the
>Rules list?

Maybe not, but I'm finding it useful. I need to plan a Vingan initiation ceremony for use very soon. I'm planning to do "Vinga teaches the Clanswomen to defend the Tula". This may be non-standard, but it fits well with my story idea for the episode. (I have the idea that initiation shows a standard pattern, but varies from time to time, for example when a different myth is felt more apopropriate for the occasion).


Thom Baguley
Human Experimental Psychology
Human Sciences, Loughborough University
Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK. Tel: +44(0)1509 223049 Fax: 223940

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