Re: Trickster rape?

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 14:32:53 -0000

It seems to me that one of the important points of tricksters is the love of trickery, or more broadly of being clever enough to make things happen that nobody else expected. Another important attribute is enjoying a degree of randomness--sometimes even you shouldn't be able to predict what will happen. A third is that anything gets boring after a while.

Simply making/getting a love potion and giving to someone is just too simple and boring, and results in somebody always lusting after you.

Now, convincing someone that the best way of ensuring the fidelity of their spouse is the use of a love potion, helping them obtain and give it, then getting them drunk and disguising yourself as them, and enjoying a night of passion with their spouse, that sounds more trickster-ish to me. (You get what you want (sex with someone who would normally never sleep with you), you make someone elses weakness backfire on them (you make their mania for faithfulness the mechanism that leads to their spouses unfaithfulness), you made something happen that nobody else would have expected, you don't know what the long term consequences will be (will anyone ever figure it out, will a child result?), and you have a lot of fun setting it up, more fun culminating it, then never have to look back (other than to enjoy the fall-out). Satisfying all around.

At least, IMO.


PS: This is why tricksters are so much fun to play, but so impractical--eventually they will destroy the harmony (if not lives) of the other characters unless someone really reins them in hard. (right Jeff?)

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