Re: Vivamort Correction

From: Ian Thomson <arkat_at_...>
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 22:59:27 -0000

> I had wondered about that, your write up (being based on Cults of
> Terror) is very "theistic" while the rules (which fit in with the
> Lords of Terror and Sun County Vampire) are very "Sorcerous".
> Vivamort be defiant (he does come from the Underworld...) or is
> someone somewhere misapplying their worship of him?

Taking advisement from various helpful people, the cult has been revised and this new version is already at

I have spotted three places where 'Devotees' are still mentioned and have sent along the corrections for those

As posted (assuming these corrections are made, and ignoring various other minor errors) it has finally reached Version 1

No doubt a version 2 will arise at some point in the next week or two,
with a few other tweakings, but basically it is now OK :)

PS - Zorak Zoran is animist

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