Re: items in narrative

From: Alexandre Lanciani <alexanl_at_...>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 17:03:09 +0200

Thom Baguley wrote:

> Yes. I'd be strict with definition of "related" use in some cases. Just
> having a cool idea during a session, wandering off and working on it
> (without being directly related to the session) wouldn't be enough.


> Unrelated: A hero wants a magic burning rock. Before going on an adventure
> he prays to Elmal. Later that day finds such a magic rock.
> The latter is technically "during play" but still unrelated.

        Although he could pray to Elmal, roll for Divine Intervention, succeed, get the rock, and then cement it between sessions at related cost, couldn't he? I think that if there is some sort of contest (and there could be one for the meeting with the warrior to be peaceful) then it's always 'related'. (skill checks anyone?)

        OTOH one could say that it also has to be related to the story, rather than just the session. This would be a way to keep the players moving along (though not necessarily along the path the narrator had intended).

"Cinq Milliards de races d'hommes sur Terre,
Est-ce assez pour croiser le fer...?"

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