Re: Anaxial's Stats - DD's Grazer

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 09:16:25 -0000

> That dose not stop the Theists suffering serious sprit envy when
you start
> racking up the Action Points. As you have proven even a 18 skill
can be
> impressive when you put 30AP behind it [Frying tonight !]. Some
times the AP
> the sprits provide are more useful than there ability.

True, use a couple of fetishes and your AP total rockets - but that feels rather artificial. A bit more description might make it seem more reasonable - "As she releases her Body of Fire spirit, her flesh erupts into flame, keeping her opponents at bay in the combat". But for overall usefulness, theists have a distinct edge, and no matter how 'realistic' that is, it's limiting in game terms.


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