Truesword Strike

From: pgrawe_at_...
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 11:05:45 +1100

I've always had a soft spot for Humakti's - my first character was a Humakti and I've always gone back to it as a character Cult. Not sure why, but it means I spent a bit of time mulling over Humakt in Hero Wars.

Something occurred to me after mulling over Truesword Strike for about 3 months now, and I suspect there are going to be a whole lot of people smirking, because it's really obvious.

I was always mystified by Truesword Strike and could never fit it into my picture of Glorantha and of Humaktis. It certainly didn't sound anything like the Truesword Runespell until I figured out last night that it's not the Strike that is True, it's the Sword.

It's the Strike of the True Sword, not a True Strike with a Sword.

It always struck me as sounding like an Advanced Bladesharp Substitute but suddenly it means that the Sword becomes the Embodiment of the Death Rune. Powerful stuff, indeed.

In the hands of a Sword of Humakt, with his W2 ability, it becomes a very serious and very intimidating thing.

Suddenly all the net conversations on this feat began to make sense and everything fitted into place.

Harry. feeling slightly silly.

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