Re: animists

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 11:13:55 -0000

Hmm, Good question - If you look at the Kolating that Wesley recently added to his site ( you'll see the line "Gormoth treats with the local vadrudi spirits and is a favourite of Valind's children." - Which he has interprested as relationships - I would think you could also treat "Out of Tradition" Spirits in a Similar way "Tharkil has broken the [Stallion Spirit of the Grazers], and hunted the [Brother Rabbit] with the [Telmori]" would give you a "personal tradition" use of Grazer Stallion Spirits and the local Rabbit Spirit, as well as a relationship "Hunted with the Telmori" (I don't think anyone has a Hunschen tradition as a secondary tradition, at least under normal circumstances).

I don't recall, do you also have to pay a HP to "cement" the spirit into your local tradition? (if not, I'd still treat it in the same way - just assume you gain a HP for defeating the out of tradition spirit that can only be used to cement it into your own tradition)

Next question then. Having adopted "foreign" spirits into your own tradition, can you teach your apprentices to deal "safely" with them, or do they still have to defeat them completely in order to gain the benefit?

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