Re: animists

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 12:02:48 -0000

Yes, I see that, but the book does definitely say spirits from outside the shaman's tradition get added to his 'Personal Tradition'. However, Wesley's writeup gives his character access to whole traditions of spirits, rather than individuals, so maybe that's the difference (but he should still have made them secondary traditions, not relationships, according to the rules). My spirit talker has a 'Tough' spirit, a 'Heal Injury' spirit and a 'Fleetfoot' spirit, just three individuals outside her Serdrosan and Firshalla Traditions - it would be hideously expensive to go on collecting spirits individually and having to improve their traditions separately (even if you reduce the cost to 1 HP per point).

> I don't recall, do you also have to pay a HP to "cement" the spirit
> into your local tradition? (if not, I'd still treat it in the
> way - just assume you gain a HP for defeating the out of tradition
> spirit that can only be used to cement it into your own tradition)

I think you need to use a HP to learn the initial tradition at 12, but whether you need to do so for every such spirit you add to your tradition I'm not sure. I'd say yes though.  

> Next question then. Having adopted "foreign" spirits into your own
> tradition, can you teach your apprentices to deal "safely" with
> or do they still have to defeat them completely in order to gain
> benefit?

Well, if you are creating a single, personal tradition, I'd say you can teach it.


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