RE: Digest Number 355

From: A. K. Berner <open_micro_at_...>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 20:18:31 -0500

RR wrote:

>You are the player of your game. I'm not going to sit on your shoulder and
>tell you that you're playing it wrong. You have the power, and
>responsibility, and right to change the rules.

It seems to me this goes without saying. I enjoy the review, challenge, debate, pointing-out-weaknesses/inconsistencies, etc. of HW rules: particularly in this hw-rules forum. I like the flexibility and openness of the HW rules but it would seem that such a system gets much benefit from debating not what is 'right' or 'wrong' but how both the designers and the other players view and handle the numerous questions that arise in attempting to apply such open rules.

It seems that at times a consensus is reached on an important aspect how to apply the rules here in the digests and I'd hate to see such spirited debate be diminished.

Open-endedness has many advantages and so do standards on which the majority of players agree (I'm involved in many long threads right now that debate 'light' vs 'heavy' rules RP systems on other boards now and this seems to be a timely and important topic).

A.K. Berner

P.S. Much thanks to Jeff, Peter, and Robin for their numerous excellent posts and clarifications.

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