Re: Random HW characters (WAS Re: New forum for Hero Wars Program)

From: Robin D. Laws <rdl_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 14:44:55 -0600

At 01:01 PM 11/21/00 -0600, Guy Hoyle wrote:

>Actually, what I'm looking for is not so much a "random" chracater
>generator as a character generation aid, which supplies keywords
>and everything associated with them, assigning defaults where you
>don't assign the scores yourself.

Right, that too would be super-cool. I was going off on Tim's tangent, and didn't mean to imply that there was anything wrong with your original suggestion.

I second the motion that someone else volunteer to complete this immense task for us. :-)

Take care >>> Robin

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