Re: Troll traditions

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 13:49:38 -0000

> I assume that the Dagori Inkarth Tradition deals with the Shadows
> of Shadows Dance and that not every Dagori shaman would have it.

That certainly makes sense. I think I was getting a bit carried away with thinking *all* animists in the area would follow *all* the traditions. Silly really, because I wouldn't have done the same with Theists...

> I do not think the Dagori Inkarth tradition would be useful in
> contacting any "spirits" of Skyfall Lake instead the Shaman would
> use the Skyriver Titan tradition instead (assuming that Skyfall
> lake is an animist source and not say a theistic).

This may be true, but I was sort of assuming that the "local" traditions would cover all the different spirits that might be found in the locality, with the obvious penalty that outside of that area the shaman has no relationship with the spirits...

> >So what Traditions would my Gorakiki Shaman start with from a
> >description starting "Kurosh is an Uzko Shaman of Gorakiki from
> >Inkarth"?
> >Gorakiki Tradition 17
> >Kygor Litor Tradion 12
> >Dagori Inkarth Tradition 12
> For a start, Gorakiki Shamans are Imagoes and are restricted to a
> particular type (Beetle, Bee etc).

Granted. I was wondering, however if Gorakiki Shaman only *intigrated* one particular type of insect spirit, (and would be able to transform into that type of insect in a similar manner to Hsunchen, and the original Gorakiki write up) but would be able to contact/deal with other insect spirits as being "within the tradition"? I guess you could always do it with extra description anyway
"..shaman of Gorakiki Mosquito, she has also learned to deal with the Spirits of Moths and Fleas..."

>If he wants the knowledge of
> both the Kyger Litor and Dagori Inkarth traditions, then he should
> state so explicitly rather than have them implied.

Definitely for Dagori Inkarth - as I said above. I'm less certain of Kygor Litor though, I think that is implicit in "(animist) Troll" myself (In the same way that you'd rarely list a RQ Troll as being a lay member of Kygor Litor). I think it would be a very rare troll that achieved adulthood without learning the Kygor Litor tradition to some extent - even if the troll subsequently chooses to concentrate on a different God/Great Spirit

> There are also shamanic taboos.

This is a good point - Some (types of) spirit may be forbidden to Shaman who follow a particular tradition - Trolls worship both Gorakiki and Aranea, but a Gorakiki shaman may be forbidden from dealing with Spider spirits, even though a KL shaman may deal with insect and spiders.

> >I note the Troll Hunter in AR has Zong tradition but not Kygor
> >Litor,
> >but I think it would be an exceptional Troll who has no KL
> >Tradition
> >knowledge - in RQ terms all Uz were lay members of Kygor Litor.
> I assume that means he has access to the hunter spirits of Zong
> within the Kyger Litor tradition, rather than Zong being an entire
> tradition unto itself (c.f. HW:RiG where Darstal the Hunter is a
> Great Spirit within the Yu-Kargzant tradition yet only allows
> access to one type of spirit).

Ahh, Yes I think I can see that. He is a hunter so only has access to a subset of the spirits available to the Shaman who would be able to contact Zong spirits as part of the KL tradition ?

> As for the base knowledge of the Kyger Litor tradition that every
> proper troll has, the initial jottings on Praxian keywords suggested
> that a penalty of -5) is applied to spirits approached by the wrong
> side (i.e. Waha has -5 on his tradition knowledge when dealing with
> Eiritha). One might try something similar.

I had wondered about this too, in fact - giving all Trolls with a "different" tradition KL-Tradition at "Main tradition -5" - this works out as normally better for them as they will improve both traditions at the price of one, as a "secondary tradition" they would need to increase both separately

> But AFAIK Greg's going to be doing some work on spirit traditions
> shortly (for Storm Tribe, one suspects) and any of this may be
> wrong.

I'm waiting for Storm Tribe before I start running HW "seriously", so this just gives me yet another reason to wait for it... This was by way of an intellectual exercise and practice at doing character generation - thanks for your help

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