Re: Re: Troll traditions

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 10:38:39 +1300

Tim Ellis:

>Me> I do not think the Dagori Inkarth tradition would be useful in
> > contacting any "spirits" of Skyfall Lake instead the Shaman would
> > use the Skyriver Titan tradition instead (assuming that Skyfall
> > lake is an animist source and not say a theistic).

>This may be true, but I was sort of assuming that the "local"
>traditions would cover all the different spirits that might be found
>in the locality, with the obvious penalty that outside of that area
>the shaman has no relationship with the spirits...

Which mean that local traditions would have access to hunting spirits, disease spirits and ancestors? I don't think the assumption of universal coverage is wise.

>Granted. I was wondering, however if Gorakiki Shaman only
>*intigrated* one particular type of insect spirit, (and would be able
>to transform into that type of insect in a similar manner to
>Hsunchen, and the original Gorakiki write up) but would be able to
>contact/deal with other insect spirits as being "within the

Considering that the cults were exclusive in RQ (and in many cases hostile), I do not think that other insect spirits would be "within the tradition".

> > If he wants the knowledge of
> > both the Kyger Litor and Dagori Inkarth traditions, then he should
> > state so explicitly rather than have them implied.

>Definitely for Dagori Inkarth - as I said above. I'm less certain of
>Kygor Litor though, I think that is implicit in "(animist) Troll"
>myself (In the same way that you'd rarely list a RQ Troll as being a
>lay member of Kygor Litor).

A detail which says otherwise: The AR troll hunter who belongs to Zong and not Kyger Litor. And tradition knowledge is more powerful than RQ lay membership.

> > I assume that means he has access to the hunter spirits of Zong
> > within the Kyger Litor tradition, rather than Zong being an entire
> > tradition unto itself (c.f. HW:RiG where Darstal the Hunter is a
> > Great Spirit within the Yu-Kargzant tradition yet only allows
> > access to one type of spirit).

>Ahh, Yes I think I can see that. He is a hunter so only has access
>to a subset of the spirits available to the Shaman who would be able
>to contact Zong spirits as part of the KL tradition ?

It depends on what you mean by a Shaman in the KL tradition. Great Mothers would not have access to Zong spirits unless he was also one of the Sacred Ancestors.

> > As for the base knowledge of the Kyger Litor tradition that every
> > proper troll has, the initial jottings on Praxian keywords suggested
> > that a penalty of -5) is applied to spirits approached by the wrong
> > side (i.e. Waha has -5 on his tradition knowledge when dealing with
> > Eiritha). One might try something similar.

>I had wondered about this too, in fact - giving all Trolls with
>a "different" tradition KL-Tradition at "Main tradition -5" - this
>works out as normally better for them as they will improve both
>traditions at the price of one, as a "secondary tradition" they
>would need to increase both separately

But many spirits are not part of the main tradition and so to approach them, the Uz would have to learn the secondary tradition.

--Peter Metcalfe

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