Re: Loskalmi and Zzaburi Keywords and Magic

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 22:11:50 +1300


>I've started with my playing group a Adventure in Fronela, therefore I need
>the Loskalmi and Zzaburi Keywords and Magic. Does anybody of yours more about
>this keywords?

I would suggest borrowing from the Black Horse Keywords plus the Army of Tomorrow and altering to taste.

Loskalm Cultural Keyword

Physical Skills: Smile for hours.
Mental Skills: Loskalmi Geography, Loskalmi Customs, Doctrine of

         the Hrestoli Church
Relationships: Member of the Hrestoli Church. Each person

         starts of in the Farmers Caste and advances to another
         caste when they meet the appropriate requirements.
Magic: Depends on Caste

Farmer Caste Keywords:


Physical: Listen.
Mental: Lead Prayer, Read Loskalmi, Write Loskalmi Personality: Caring, Solicitous
Relationships: to Congregation, to Church. Magic: Acolythists have access to selected blessings in the Abiding

         Book.  These are:  Resist Spirit, Resist Pagan God, Bless
         [crop], Bless [herd], Bless Building, Forgive.
Living Standard: Common
Equipment: Ceremonial Robes, a copy of "Selected Quotations from the

         Abiding Book", writing supplies.

Camp Servant:

As rulebook save:
Mental skills: Battalion customs
Personality: Joyful, Obedient.


as rulebook save:
Personality: Joyful, Self-reliant.

Knight Caste Keywords:

A Loskalmi can have an army character. If so, he chooses a farmer occupation at which his skills are at -2 and a army occupation in which his skills are at -4.

All soldiers join a knightly order, each corresponding to one of the Loskalmi provinces and responsible for its defense. These should have evocative names like the Argent Knights of Norans, the Bull Knights of Tawars or the Iron Knights of Tarins. There's three elite orders: the King's Own (led by the Grand Duke of Westpoint), the Guardians of Hrestol's Shroud (guards the churches and wizard chapters within Loskalm as well as protects Loskalmi missionaries and religious missions abroad), and finally the Grand Order of the Swallow.

There are also two fleets (one against the Yggites which is now reduced to supervision and convincing troublemakers to leave, while the other is against the mysterious Red Pirates) but I don't have any sailor or marine keywords at the mo.

IMO there's also a wandering order of knights known as the Poor Knights of Dilis that seek aid to reclaim Dilis for civilization. They don't provide a battalion.


Physical: March, Strong, Pike, Sword and Shield Fighting Mental: Battalion traditions, Fronelan Geography, Identify foe,

         scan for danger.
Personality: Disciplined. Joyful.
Relationship: To Knightly Order, to Church. Magic: Before combat, the footman is given whatever blessings

         the chaplain can invoke from the Order's Banners. Living Standard: Common
Equipment: Leather and bronze armour ^3, Pike ^5


Physical: Flail and Shield fighting, First Aid Mental: Lead Prayer, Read Loskalmi, Write Loskalmi Personality: Joyful, Pious
Relationships: To Knightly Order
Magic: As well as the blessings in "Selected Quotations from the

         Abiding Book", Chaplains are also trained in invoking blessings
         from the Order's banners.


As footman save for:
Physical: March, Strong, Crossbow, Sword and Shield Fighting Equipment: Leather and bronze armour ^3, Crossbow ^5


Entry requirements: Any footman who learns three fighting skills to 10W is eligible to become a knight. Thereupon, he is knighted, equipped with a horse, lance ^6 and armour ^6. He is also taught the secrets of how to invoke the banner's blessing for himself.

For the knightly magic, I don't have much. Knightly Orders have banners instead of grimoires because it sounds more appropriate. Each order should have its own blessings (Argent Knights would get Armour of Brilliance and other light-related blessings while Iron Knights will get something like RQ3's Turn Blow among other iron blessings - I see them as being dwarf influenced). I would avoid spell descriptions like the Army of Tomorrow (Enchant Sword with Sharpen Sword) in favour of those like the Black Horse Troop (Enchant Unconquerable Armour).

Farmers can join a guild and get magic related to that guild's focus (i.e. merchants, publicans, sailors, shepherd etc) as well as become squires. I've ignored this in this post since your PCs will probably want to be heroes.

Proper Liturgists are of the Lords Spiritual (Glorantha: Intro p82) which is why the Acolythists and the Chaplains have reduced blessings. As well as the Abiding Book, they also have the "Book of Siglat's Dream".

Zzaburi keywords:

The Loskalmi Zzaburi study at Sog City. All Loskalmi magical orders (like the Artificers who build the palaces and the Banishers who keep the kingdom free of unclean spirits) have been subordinated into the Church during the Ban and thus to join those one has to be a knight.

The green men of the city can also study at Sog City and are provided with liberal scholarships. They usually swot up on nautical studies. Their stats can be adapted from Anaxial's Roster.


Physical: Knife, Abuse alcohol
Mental: Read Brithini, Write Brithini, Speak Brithini Personality: Haughty, All-knowing
Relationship: To School, to Master.
Magic: The Graduate has adept access to a school's grimoires. He

         may elect a double-degree in which case he has adept access
         -2 (or something) on any two school's grimoires.
Living Standard: Common.
Equipment: Sharp Dagger, Robes. Zz.B. diploma on leathery brown
         parchment (a Zz.M comes on a red parchment, while a Zz.A.
         comes on a blue parchment).  A copy of the school's grimoires.

Schools (swiping in a big way from Sog City Guidebook). Only one or two grimoires are provided to show what should be aimed for.


A bunch of mostly harmless pallid astronomers, some of whom have not seen the sun in years. They know the spell to make the Sun stop.

         Watching the Heavens (Scrutinize Celestial Body, Calculate
                 Astral Influence, Determine Location, Compute 
future            conjunction etc.)
         The Undisturbed Book (Clear Clouds, Silence Talker, Extinguish
                 Light, Enhance Night Vision etc.)

         Compleat Potions (Brew Love Potion, Brew Healing Potion,
                 Distill Alcohol, Brew Sleeping Draught, Brew
                 Laxative, Brew Fragrance)
         Horrific Toxins (Brew Blade Venom, Make Debilitating Poison,
                 Brew Lingering Poison, Brew Paralyzing Poison, Brew

Comparative Theology:

An abstract school that studies the theologies and criticisms of Malkioni doctrines and attempts to formulate a coherent philosophy that contains all multitudes. Unsurprisingly many in this school are now cynical atheists.

         Abiding Book
         Book of Two (Carmanian bible)
         Book of Betrayal and Murder (Atroxi bible)
         Syllabus of Errors (Prove that Men are not equal, Reveal
                 Hidden Mover as Philosophical Delusion, Refute 
Joy,             Denounce Ecclesiarch of Southpoint as Heresiarch).

Healing Arts:

Typical medical students. Sadly I don't know much medical jokes so this is rather drab.

         Healing the Body (Heal during Combat, Regrow Limb, Excise
                 Tumor, etc).
         Healing the Soul (Expel unclean spirit, Remove pagan curse


Associated with the Judges, Sog City's finest. Aims to identify and remove the Great Error that threatens Brithini control over the city. Their talisman is a baton.

         The Might of Law (Resist Temptation, Intimidating Presence, 
Create              Respect for the Law, Summon Judges)
         The Great Error and its signs (Identify Crime, Locate Perpetrator,
                 Reveal Lie, Detect Nefarious Intent, Apprehend Suspect.
         The Science of Punishment (Break Legs, Help Down Stairs, Step on
                 Fingers, etc)

Nautical Studies:

As well as the old Waertagi grimoires, this school contains the Grimoires of Saint Dormal.


An ancient school. Their talisman is an iron shod staff.

         Speaking with the Dead (Summon Ghost, Dismiss Ghost, Question
                 Ghost, Imprison Ghost, Enchant Staff of Imprisonment,
                 Digest Imprisoned Ghost)
         Grave Mastery (Preserve Corpse, Animate Corpse, Putrefy Dead
                 Flesh, Animate Skeleton, Imbue Corpse with hunger for
                 bodies/Create Ghoul, Imbue Corpse with hunger for
                 souls/Create Vampire, Control Corpse).

Minderkind Philosophy

A Lunar influenced school. Really only studied by dropouts (or to use Greg's phrase "independent study"). They take two opposing entities (ie Wakboth and Kajabor), list the properties of each and then attribute those properties to its opposite (ie Kajabor was killed by Storm Bull and Wakboth went to Hell) to obtain wisdom or magical powers. Allegedly by proving that life is death, they can kill people. One such philosopher of Riverjoin claims to have lifted the Ban by proving that it was not a great curse but a blessing. So she summoned a great curse to dispel it. People now blame her for summoning the Kingdom of War.

         The Book that Refutes Itself (Identify Premise, Switch Premise,
                 Draw absurd conclusion)

This is all very rough and ready so use, abuse or ignore according to taste.

--Peter Metcalfe

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