Re: Feroda

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 14:45:29 -0000

My thought on this is use the already existing "if it is less than half your wealth you can buy it with 'pocket change'" rule, and turn it on its head. If it is less than half your wealth, it is not enough to raise your wealth rating. Players might object that getting paid a little bit in two adventures gets them nowhere, while getting paid nothing once and a lot another time might be enough to raise their wealth. Well, yah, sounds about right to me. If you are off adventuring you aren't doing whatever else it is that you do to make a living. Reasonable payments go right into paying off people you owe, stocking up food for the winter, etc.

On the other hand, one thing the rules are missing right now is how wealth--or for that matter relationshiops--can diminish if you aren't maintaining them. I suppose it really is a narrator decision, but doesn anyone have a rule of thumb on how much effort it takes to maintain a relationship level or to 'take care of business,' and how to handle any penalties?


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