Re: Another HQ question

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 13:17:11 -0000

> In other words, if you have two followers, and you are in a
> Dangerous (-10) area, your best ability is reduced by 10, therefore
> your followers (rated at -8/-12 from your best ability) are also
> down by 10, making it a total loss of 30 AP. I know that followers
> are not modified every time your best ability is temporarily
> modified (or at least I assume not...), but they would be affected
> by the same modifiers

This seems about right to me, with the caveat that it is the modifiers that apply rather than the current value of your best ability (If that were the case then every time you augmented your best ability, your followers abilities would go up even if they were totally unrelated - "I'll augment my Close Combat with my rippling muscles, and then with my Swordhelp feat <roll, roll> right that puts it up to 2w2, and gives my Chalana Arroy follower a 14w in 'First Aid' and my Eurmali a 14w in 'Embarassing Practical Joke'"

This would not be limited to Heroquests either, but any situation where the GM sees fit to assign a blanket modifier to the relevant abilities

eg: - You get into a fight in pitch blackness - Your Close Combat is reduced by 10 (for arguments sake, I don't recall if there is an "official modifier" in the book). If you have followers they will also be reduced by the same amount, since they are also fighting in the dark - Unless, of course your follower is a Troll or something similar...

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