Re: Mounted Combat

From: Graham Robinson <gjr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 09:55:02 +0000 (GMT)

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Wulf Corbett wrote:

> Characters who have a naturally mounted culture (Grazers, Praxians,
> Pentans, etc) fight normally when mounted, they may be able to use
> Riding as an Augment, BUT they suffer a penalty when fighting on foot
> (where they have had less training & practice) unless they develop a
> 'Foot Combat' ability. Characters from a pedestrian culture
> (Heortlings, Lunars, etc) fight normally on foot, at a penalty when
> riding, until they develop a Mounted Combat (or just Riding) ability.

Not sure I agree with this. Mounted cultures fight well from horse back because they have a high 'ride' or similar skill. (In most cases, they get it as part of a cultural keyword.) Fighting on foot if you are used to fighting mounted is NOT nearly as difficult as the reverse case. If you are not experienced rider, controlling a horse (rhino, whatever) is going to be difficult. Even grazers know how to walk, without falling over.

There's also a problem with the Heortling character who has 'Grazer friends taught him to ride' in his 100 words. Do you count him as a Heortling or a Grazer for mounted combat? I could justify either.

My gut instinct is to ignore the whole thing, but impose improv penalties to those fighting 'wrong'. I certainly wouldn't want to see a 'fight on foot' ability being used as a cap - that seems to harsh. If you are going to use 'ride' as a cap (and I do see some merit to that) I'd apply it across the board. If nothing else it might encourage Grazers to have the high 'ride' they should have.


Graham Robinson			The Stable Yard - Internet Solutions

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