Re: Languages

From: tim_at_...
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 10:09:40 -0000

>>So, A simple roll against your skill - this is probably appropriate
>>for every day conversation - Buying food & Drink, Renting Lodgings
> In my games, this sort of thing would probably fall under the
> category of "things no self-respecting hero would fail at" (RiG p.
> 125) and require no roll if the hero has any ability in the
> language.

Probably in mine, for the most part. This was more in the way of a "thought experiment" prompted by the question on the GD.

>I would only worry about language if it's important to the story.

Quite agree, although of course it could be the fact that you are trying to buy food and drink in a strange city where no one speaks your language (or at least no one you can find...) is what's important to the story - and a story that's fairly easy to research in real life too!

>For instance, language ability level caps a hero's Speak With
>Authority and similar abilities. (It definitely hampers Oscar
>Wilde's ability to dazzle trolls. :-)

This would work as well, unless some dastardly simulationist asks why they can talk normally with the trolls, but as soon as they try to impress them they start tripping over their words...

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