Re: A Question about Abilties

From: Alexandre Lanciani <takenegi_at_...>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 11:49:27 +0100

Il giorno 15-02-2001 19:55, Roderick and Ellen Robertson, rjremr_at_... ha scritto:

> Players should not want to increase flaws, and it's the narrator's job to
> show them why. I think there have been several good articles (probably from
> Hero Games and/or GURPs, which use disadvantages a lot) about how to "use"
> flaws correctly - I just can't think of any off-hand, and my books are still
> in storage (The contractor claims March for completion of the house, I think
> mor like May or June, but then I'm probably a cynical old cuss)

    One thing I like a lot about HW is that, as opposed to GURPS/Hero, it isn't obsessed with game balance and formalization of everything. In HW a player takes a personality trait or a flaw not to become a better sniper but because he likes their story-value. After all he could take a good ability instead, so I'm not going to forbid him to be imaginative and turn one of his character's weakness into an asset, provided that he doesn't do it too often and he's willing to pay the price. It's the game world that should enforce balance, just as in your examples. So if a hero uses his Hunted by Lunars to impress the girls the Lunars will soon know that there is someone around hunted by them, and they'll come looking for him. The more the player "abuses" his flaw, the more his reputation will spread and the more the Lunars will think he is a major foe rather than, maybe, just a swaggerer.

    Of course, all IMHO, IMG etc... ;-)

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Est-ce assez pour croiser le fer...?"

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