Re: Stand Alone Feats

From: Jeff <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 14:26:15 -0000

Fwd from the Herowars list.

> I also plead guilty to not being completely clear as to what status
> you need to be in order to get these Stand Alone Feats. I thought
> that devotion to a Hero Cult was very unusual, and most worshippers
> were just initiates of the Hero Cult.

Hero cults may not provide an affinity. These are more for hero-cults or petty gods. Bartaros being an example of providing a feat that does not go into combat. The four Magic Weapon subcults would be somthing similar (as, apparently you can't DEVOTE to them but can initiate to them) -- four specialized feats.  

> I'll try some examples to try and make it clearer. In some (if not
> all) cases there may be other ways to achieve the same or similar
> results, but what I'm looking at is the underlying principle
> 1) Heord is an initiate of the Hedkoranth subcult of Orlanth. He
> envies the Yinkini cultists their ability to get a good nights sleep
> when they are patroling the outer limits of the Tula and have to
> out under the stars. He wishes to learn their "Sleep Anywhere" feat
> Can he learn it as a Stand Alone Feat? Would it make any difference
> if he was a Devotee of Hedkoranth?

No, stand alone feats are provoided as a part of the specific cult -- often it is the only magic they provide. You can't go and ransack another cult for feats. Heord would have to initiate to Yinkin to get the affninity.  

> 2) Verlan was a Hero of Lankhor Mhy who had studied tales of Combat
> and War, although he had never held a weapon until the forces of
> dark attacked his temple. He snatched a sword from the hands of
> their leader and cut him down with a single blow. He teaches
> Mhy the stand alone feat of "Turn Weapon Against Owner"

> Baran is an initiate of Lankhor Mhy. Can he join Verlan's Hero Cult
> and learn the "Turn Weapon Against Owner" feat? Or can only
> gain access to this feat?

Yes. If LM had a combat affnity or something like that, then it would be a special feat. but any LM can join this cult and get this feat.  

The reason for this is that Verlan didn't provide an affinity...  

Note: some heroes provide feats that are added to affnities that already exist (in essence they are just a cheapway to get an extra feat)

> How about Heord from the example above. Can he join the Verlan Hero
> Cult without becoming at least an initiate of Lankhor Mhy? If he is
> a devotee of Hedkoranth, could he become an initiate of Lankhor Mhy
> and the Verlan Hero-Cult to learn the feat?

Nope. _Most_ herocults are specific to a god though some could be shared between different gods (like Harst is a subcult of Orlanth and of Issaries.

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