Re: Stormapples and Windberries

From: Charles Corrigan <glorantha_at_...>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 12:03:13 -0000

> For example, in the game I ran last week, Charles Corrigan's
> character picked up a fine Esrolian broach at a market - now the
> point in the episode was really the haggling for the item, not
> the item itself (Mcguffin) - but Charles wanted to list it, so
> he sepnt a hero point to cement it.

Actually, the point was to impress Karath's (my character) fiance (and in gamespeak an Ally) with his bargaining. Then, as the broach was there I decided to make it into a magical item for her by spending a hero point. And I still have absolutely no idea or plan for what the Esrolian Broach will do.

BTW, in our gaming group, we are now taking turns to run sessions in Benedict Adamson's Fire Bull clan set-up. And it is turning into an even more interesting co-operative story telling venture.


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