Re: Delayed magic from a ritual

From: David Dunham <dunham_at_...>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 08:26:30 -0800


> Let's say somebody sets up a ritual to use their feat Summon Earth
> Daimone, with the intention that the feat is a delayed casting. Not
> unsurprisingly, they'll probably perform the ritual at an Ernaldan
> shrine on a Holy Day, perhaps with a bit of community support, but
> with some big bonuses anyway. The end result should be that they
> could something fairly serious, much more powerful than they could
> normally call up, but that it'll be available them to call upon at
> some point later in the year.
> Setting up the delayed effect is pretty easy, but with the addition
> of a single hero point, they should be able to bump their roll for
> the delayed effect to cause a complete defeat. This would mean that
> not only can they have the powerful summons available later in the
> year, but that it would be available as many times as they want.
> This seems to me to put very powerful magic easily within the reach
> of fairly weak characters. Am I missing something?

Anyone who can call on community support is not a weak character.

And anyone with hero points is by definition a potential hero. No player character in Hero Wars is weak and unimportant -- they may not yet have mighty powers, but they are a cut above the ordinary (heck, they already have 3 masteries at the standard campaign level).

David Dunham <mailto:dunham_at_...>
Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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