From: wulfc_at_...

From: Thom Baguley <t.s.baguley_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 15:19:27 +0000

> From: wulfc_at_...
>Working without my books, so apologies if this is detailed in the
>rules as is, but...
>Can a cult secret be enchanted into an item?
>If so, must you know the secret (or be eligable to do so, even if you
>haven't actually got it yet) to use said item?
>How heretical would it be to give such an item to an outsider ( a
>good friend from a friendly/allied cult)?

I'd say no, but ...

Do you mean will the effects of knowing the secret influence magic enchanted into an item? In that case, quite possibly. For example, I can't see a mystic strike type secret being enchantable, but I can see a Uraldan magic item not take an improv penalty for Cows (to borrow from another thread).

That's probably clear as mud!


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