Re: Shhh...

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 09:15:27 -0800

I'm trying a new policy of using "yes, but..." in my answers - Sure, anything is *possible*, but the consequences may be so dire, or the modifiers so severe, that no-one in their right mind would *want* to do it...

> Can a cult secret be enchanted into an item?

Errggh, okay, a severe test of my new policy...

*Note* This is not official policy, it's me shooting from the hip.

Yes, but... If you put it in an item, it is no longer *in* you. It's like going through a Quest Challenge - the item now has the full secret and you don't. However, you can't then go get another secret, or get the same secret again - you had your chance at having a secret, and you don't get a second one (just like in the rules, once you get one secret, you can't get another).

> If so, must you know the secret (or be eligable to do so, even if you
> haven't actually got it yet) to use said item?

No, the item "has" the secret. Anyone can pick it up and use it. Including your enemies.

> How heretical would it be to give such an item to an outsider ( a
> good friend from a friendly/allied cult)?

You probably will thoroughly piss off your god. ("I gave you the secret of Death and you GAVE IT AWAY?!?!?") This is big-time cast out of the cult and then kill you transgression. Even loaning an item would be viewed as a major Bad Deed. Who cares that the item was given to your soul-brother? Who knows how even a brother will misuse a secret? And it's all *YOUR* fault if something goes wrong. *YOU* had better go fix it. (This attitude would certainly be prevalent among the Heortlings, who are big on personal responsibility. Other cultures might have other views).


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