RE: Re: Biggest man in the Tula

From: Gareth Martin <gamartin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 10:28:22 +0100

> In HW, you get what you pay for. Hero Points and Hero Points, so if a
> player spends a lot of HPs on an ability, that ability SHOULD advance
> quickly and become noticeable. In a magic world, someone becoming

Systematically, yes

> abnormally Large is possible, no? Is that any more implausible than a
> player spending all their HPs on Close Combat and becoming so good
> they can fight a dozen at once? Or spending them on Flight and being
> able to fly?

Well, flying can handle quantitative increases through speed or precision, combat can do so becuase it is relative to other humans rather than an objective standard. The issue over large is that it suggests an actual physical increase. If a hero raises Larg to 10W2, say, which is about dino sized I think, would you say the character should be treated as physically this large? I'd be a bit uncomfortable with it, although I grant that in a world that operates by mythic logic that might be quite appropriate. Anyone have any thoughts on representing physical abilities at this level? For most action-type abilities there is no problem, I think - it only arises with actual descriptive terms.

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