Re: AR stuff

From: Thom Baguley <t.s.baguley_at_...>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 16:12:54 +0100

> From: bethexton_at_...
>> Aren't wyvern's in Anaxial? Just make it a very, very nasty target
>> resistance rather than making it soemthing that haves a perfectly
>> number. No need to invent new rules -- we don't have things that
>> skills out there -- until you're incapacitated.

On reflection, I think Jeff's right about the unnecessary rules inflation. 5W poison does seem rather nasty, though ...

>Anaxial's state's that a Wyvern's sting doesn't inject
>poison "although many assume that it does." (or words similar to
>that). Heck, you don't have to poisoin the heroes, just make them
>think that they are in danger of being poisoned, that should create
>enough fear and loathing.

I must have missed that in my haste (I do like AR, a lot, but I'm puzzled over this change). Wyvern's can have family traits (from their dream dragon parents) so I guess I'm going to have unusual Wyverns.


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