Re: defensive ability

From: gamartin_at_...
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 00:09:55 -0000

> Agreed special rules == bad. I was just trying to get across the
> difference between withdrawal from combat as being something
> are taught as part of close combat and running away.

Allright, so on second thought, lets apply the HW version of special rules, the Cult! Well, what I mean is that for professional soldiers, they could have a cult-derived skill or feat which specifically describes a fighting withdrawal in good order. I think it changes somewhat when we are talking about bodies of troops, through - a unit might conceiveably be defeated and driven from the field (negative AP) without actually being destroyed to the man. If you were using the rules at the mass combat level, you might rule that a loss of AP for a unit using a standard movement attribute to "run for your life" indicates significant casualties, while for a unit performing an ordered withdrawal with an appropriate feat or skill, AP loss indicates being boxed in, cut off or other reductions of options. The two scenarios would lose AP in a mechanically identical manner, but the first would suffer actual casualties over the course of its flight, while the other will likely be slaughtered en bloc when they are finally overcome.

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