Re: Affinities Question

From: ian_hammond_cooper_at_...
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 14:08:11 -0000

Graham Robinson
>- Well, the way many of us are playing it is that the initate uses
something that looks suspiciously like the devotee's feats, ... they suffer a penalty for improvisation ... Greg's (I think!) take was that initiate's use the affinity directly-<

Thunder Rebels (sorry don't have the page reference) says initiates use their affinities to augment everyday actions i.e. a farmer augments his farming with his Farming affinity and only use feat like mmagic on IIRC ritual occasions/heroquests (and pay a heavy improv modifier). So allow an augment to a skill with an affinity (i.e. +2 in combat) but to get feat like benefits (i.e. Run Across Treetops), key difference being I suspect that you could use the feat direct even if you had no skill, is harder and requires improvising at modifiers depending on how 'difficult' what you want to do is.

Hopefully the forthcoming Hero's Book will clarify this topic further. Meanwhile the TR section could benefit from careful rereading.

It did always seem a bit strange that an ability was always used at a minus...

Ian Cooper

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