Re: Secret Strikes

From: David Cake <dave_at_...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 02:07:38 +0800

> > Even if you _could_ learn the secrets, there's usually not much
>advantage in
>Having been on the short end of the Yanafal Tarnils secret, I must
>disagree STRONGLY! He just would NOT die.

        The 'automatic success in final action' secrets look really incredibly useful. The passion spirit ones mildly. And the Strike ones, especially the really good looking ones, utterly useless. Because they are strikes, and thus quickly become more dangerous to yourself than your opponent (unless they are much higher than your opponents ability, in which case there is little point).

        What really bugs me is this isn't a world design decision, like the Finovan one (which reflects the different priorities of players and Heortlings), but where its supposed to be cool (like Humakt), but actually sucks because the rules don't work properly.


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