Re: sorcery

From: David Cake <dave_at_...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 21:39:12 +0800

>> David Cake:
>> >
>> They have access to more grimoires than in their base keyword
>> and have no restrictions as to the number of grimoires they
>> can learn from.
>And, unlike affnities, you can go and steal another guy's grimoire and
>try to crack its code for your own use.

        Its all part of the fun. Animists can keep finding new spirits, theists have new aspects and sub-cults to join, and new sub-cults. Its all the same.

        Access to new abilities is nice, but not a big deal. Its not going to make your character unbalancingly better than anybody. Having a higher, or lower, ability rating DOES make a difference.

> > >But they cost twice as much, and you don't get to
>> >improvise. Anyone want to tell me why?
>> Balanced against the lack of improvisation (which animists
>> don't have either) is that sorcery spells have better range
>> and duration.
>> --Peter Metcalfe
>Actually, if the Abiding Book and a few others are any example,
>Grimoires have far _more_ spells than any self-respecting Affinity
>would have.

        A few have more, but tend to be of a general cultural (rather than adventure) oriented nature. Most seem to have 6-8 spells.

        The number of spells in a Grimoire is a set limit, though, and you can just keep on making up affinities for ever.


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