Urox/Storm Bull etc.

From: t.s.baguley_at_...
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 11:53:43 +0100


There seems to have been a misunderstanding. I'm not _claiming_ that Urox and Storm Bull are separate entities. I was reacting to the mismatch between the quasi-official line that they are separate entities in the HW.

>Just because Urox is not misapplied worship of Storm Bull
>and vice versa does not mean that the duo are as separate
>as St. Talor and Yu-Kargzant.

In a HW-rules mechanic sense they seemed so to me. This was the sense I was referring to. It is clear to me now that I misunderstood your question. As I said before, I'm happy to be wrong.

>Even the only person within spitting distance of officialdom
>(probably when he is in the same office as Greg) has stated
>that he believes the two are the same being.

Yes, but that is what confuses/annoys me! Nick Brooke articulated it better than I did. There appears to be a mismatch between the separate Otherworlds/ missapplied worship rules and info about entities such as Urox/Storm Bull.

I'm not a rules literalist, but I'd like to reconcile my feeling that Urox/Storm Bull is one entity with the smallest strain on the rules. Jeff seems happy that it is just an exception. I'm not, because the exception (as it stands) seems arbitrary.

>>I think there is one sun on the mundane plane (since time
>>began). There were several suns before time began. I don't think there is a
>>one-to-one mapping between mundane plane entities and entities outside
>Given that the worshippers of these suns (namely Elmal, Ehilm,
>Yu-kargzant, Yelm, Somash and Zerel Farn) all believe that
>their sun is the only sun in the sky, what's wrong with a
>many-to-one mapping rather than insisting that these suns are
>all seperate beings?

I don't have any problem with the many-to-one mapping (at least from entities before/outside time) - I didn't mean to imply there was (I can see the potential ambiguity on re-reading).


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