Re: Re: Big spirit dudes

From: KYER, JEFFREY <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 10:41:08 -0400

Henrix wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, KYER, JEFFREY wrote:
> > Wulf Corbett wrote:
> > That is how I would work it. Same sort of defeats. There is,
> > afterall., a contest here. You could be so silver tongued that the
> > big-nasty spirit decides it likes you so much it will serve you. Again,
> > having the Tradition Knowlege to enhance yourself before going in
> > (Foolish Mortal! You forgot the flowers and candy. You die now!)
> That sounds like I was thinking, but I would want to be more specific with what
> offerings you give, handing out hefty modifiers for appropriate gifts (or lack
> thereof), especially if we are talking _big_ spirit dudes.
> Why not a self-imposed geas for as long as you have the spirit integrated? Or a
> specific gift each time you use it?
> A gift could be almost anything (absolutely not just material tobjects) that is
> appropriate. Burning a village would probably endear you in the eyes of Oakfed.
> --
> Henrix

This is possibly the case but, I suspect that we've wandered out of a rules discussion but more of a matter of narrator's personal taste (which is equally cool).

And knowing WHAT acts to preform and gifts to give are all part and parcel of that particular Tradition Lore. Some would be requirements -- have to have some snow aroud to talk to King of Winter. And the amount of bonus provided would be based on what you had to do. Any of these would provide enhancements for when you finally come to grips -- again, all dependant on the narrator as there are several zillion spirits out there... each with its own wants.

Having to take a geas or some other flaw would be the result of a marginal success, perhaps. Failure could be either 'you fail to reach an agreement' (Marginal or minor failure, frex) or 'Never Summon Me Again.' (Major) to "(chomp)(gulp)(burp)" on a fumble.

Of course, if you've angered the spirit or are dealing with it in a hostile fashion -- the results could be more severe. Afterall, being a shaman is a dangerous business and anyone poaching spirits they don't really understand is asking for trouble. I could see a careless shaman being eaten and then thge surviving members of his tradition (or clan) find that they all now have a new enemy.

Again, this is all in the realm of the local narrator. Pretty hard to adjudicate in a hard and fast way. But giving gifts is usually a good idea -- Some amount based on Wealth you expend... Or use Wealth as an augment to your Spirit Combat (I feel that Spirit Combat is several skills including negotiating, but that's just my opinion -- bargain would be equally useful. I can see it being a very, very useful skill for a shaman as it would work on spirits and on folks who want his services.


Foolish Mortal! You forgot the flowers and candy. You die now! How about you take my Rolex? Its a real one! Hmmmm. Alright. What is it you wanted?

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