Re: Defiant Cults

From: TTrotsky_at_...
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 15:56:37 EDT

Martin Dick:

<< So I've just read the Defiant Cults article on the Glorantha website and it states that Urox/Storm Bull is a transcendent being which lives outside of Time, so that it can have both a Spirit Aspect and a God Aspect. So who else fits into this category?>>

     The spirit, god and sorcery worlds all overlap in the Underworld, so, apparently, many deities that dwell there are 'defiant'. Troll deities are, I gather, a particular case in point, though they may not be the only example (and it may not be true of all of them, either).

     I've also been told that many of the 'sea pantheon' deities are defiant, although if this *is* the case, I don't really know why, as seemingly it's not just the underworld-related ones such as Drospoly that this is true of.

     Chaotic deities may also count and I'd guess that Trickster would, too. There are probably many other examples, especially where a cult was described as having both shamans and priests in RQ.

     I get the impression that the number of instances in which the misapplied worship rules apply are far less than the number where they don't...

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