Re: barbaric adventures?

From: contracycle <gamartin_at_...>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 11:33:06 -0000

> Which is why some of us have spent some time and effort trying to
> find out what the problem is. Complaining that the books (one of
> which he hasn't even seen) don't have the information he wants,
> when he won't tell us what the information actually is doesn't
> help. Banging on that myths are useless in a game that is heavily
> mythical is, at the least, somewhat perverse.

I have explained it at great and repeated length, and others have offered their criticism of BA in more detail. However, the general response has been to hand-wave the problem out of existance and depart down this absurd metaphysical argument that "glorantha does not work that way" - which MIGHT cut some ice amongst the Gloranthan literati but frankly sounds like a broken product to anyone outside the self-declared esteemed circle. Instead of addressing the problem, you insist on finding excuses why you don't need to.

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