Re: trickster firebringer myths?

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 12:27:03 -0800


> >Can anyone point me to a "trickster steals fire" myth for Glorantha,
> > >preferably Heortling?

The Firebringer Aspect in the Trickster writeup in Questlines (also available at Issaries:

notes that:

Many people agree that Trickster, in one form or another, stole fire from the darkness. Among the Pentans he was Raven, in Pamaltela he was Hare, and for the Theyalans he was a Lightbringer."

The Eurmal writeup in Storm Tribe states that "he stole fire from Vestkarthen of the Deep and gave it to humans."

Interestingly, in an unrelated passage, it states that Oakfed burned Eurmal to nothing "because he had stolen". It's tempting to see some connection.

I don't know of any full-writeup of these myths, just allusions (which makes perfect sense for Eurmal) :).


nysalor_at_...                              John Hughes

Oh no you don't. Not that gag again. Wait until you get home.

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