Re: Digest Number 793

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 20:46:07 +1200

Richard Bourke wrote:

>>A Trireme. The first two post-closing seafaring nations (the Holy
>>Country and Pasos) have them as the mainstay of their fleet while
>>the third (Loskalm) also used them but shifted to Longships which
>>it copied from the Yggites.

>How official is this?

Pretty much. It's in Missing Lands.

>The reason being, triremes in the RW were a very coast-hugging ship,
>normally beaching every night. In the atlantic galleys were less useful,
>which is why the longship and trading cog developed. I see the homeward
>ocean as being more like the atlantic than the meditteranean.

It really doesn't make a difference AFAIK. Both the Kethaelans and the Quinpolic League have coastal navies so they've little problem with their triremes (in the Kethaelan case, the main problem now with their ships is that Harrek sank them all). The only scope for "oceanic" travel for the Quinpolic League is Jrustela and that is mostly done by Orange Guild ships. Since the latter are mainly Vadeli ships (and I think they are cogs although it's nowhere stated), the Homeward Ocean can still be as Atlantic as one likes.

The Loskalmi operate in more hostile waters and have to do some "oceanic" travels to subdue the Red Pirates and the Yggites. Hence having a navy of longships makes sense for them.

--Peter Metcalfe

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